Dungeon Escape
This is a 2D platformer shooting adventure game. You are trapped in a dungeon filled with skeletons that kill you if you touch them. Use WASD to move, Press space to jump/double jump, left click the mouse to attack. Get the key and open the door of the dungeon.
For this elaboration, I plan to add some attack and flee functions instead of a mere jump-and-click simple platformer, so I decided to give a weapon for the player that allows them to attack and add a double-jump ability so that the player can have more mobility. The scoping of this project went a little bit out of control, as a originally planned to let the player attack with the sword when the enemy comes near, but I struggled in ending the animation and finding out how hitboxes work when the sprites are replaced. So I ran out of time and missed the deadline. Then I gave up on this plan and turned it into the current shooting plan. I used the Beginning Step Event instead of Step Event in writing the codes for the weapon because in this way it creates a slightly delay when it is following, giving it some sense of weight.
Sound Effect Credits:
Sword attack:Merrick079, https://freesound.org/people/Merrick079/sounds/568169/
jump: OwlStorm, https://freesound.org/people/OwlStorm/sounds/404793/
double jump: Aigei, https://www.aigei.com/item/nv_tiao_yue_1_1.html
door open: Aigei, https://www.aigei.com/item/miscellaneous_m_46754.html
get item: Aigei, https://www.aigei.com/item/get_gold_5.html
landing: Aigei, https://www.aigei.com/item/fang_xia_dong_x_1.html
Hit enemy: Aigei, https://www.aigei.com/item/a_gong_ji_da_23.html
the enemy dies: MisterKidX, https://freesound.org/people/MisterKidX/sounds/454837/
game failed: TaranP, https://freesound.org/people/TaranP/sounds/362204/
Background Music:
Aigei, https://www.aigei.com/item/dungeon_02.html
Background Picture:
9664c4, http://pixelartmaker.com/art/68f408eb8bd4b1c
Special Thanks to Shaun Spalding's GMS2 tutorial!
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